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Fitness Equipment Repair Arlington Heights IL – Barry Services – Call 847-520-3911

Fitness Equipment Repair Arlington Heights IL

Fitness Equipment Repair Arlington Heights IL

Looking for ways to build more muscle mass, reduce fat and achieve an efficient calorie burn? Consider the benefits of strength training! Strength training is a key component of overall health and fitness for everyone.

As we grow older, lean muscle tends to naturally diminish. Conversely, percentage of body fat increases over time especially if you do not replace the muscle that’s lost. Strength training, fortunately, can help to preserve and build muscle mass at practically any age. The advantages include:

-Develops stronger bones. Strength training, which places stress on your bones, can increase their density and lower the risks of osteoporosis.

-Weight management. Strength training helps you lose and then maintain a healthy weight.

-Enhance overall wellness. Strength training enhances quality of life by improving your ability to perform daily activities. It also protects your joints and reduces risk of injury. Developing more muscle mass can contribute to a better sense of balance, which reduces your risk of falling. For older people, this is a significant benefit.

-Manages chronic conditions. Doing strength training helps reduce the symptoms of chronic, uncomfortable conditions like depression, arthritis, obesity and back pain.

-Sharpen your cognitive abilities. Some studies indicate that doing strength and aerobic exercises might help to improve learning and thinking skills for seniors.

Treadmill Out-of-Order? Call Barry Services for Fitness Equipment Repair Arlington Heights IL

You can do regular strength training at home or at your local gym. Common options can include:

-Body weight. There are plenty of exercises you can do to develop strength without equipment like planks, pullups, pushups and lunges.

-Free weights. Dumbbells and barbells are traditional tools for strength training. Other options include using kettle bells or medicine balls.

-Weight machines. Many fitness facilities offer a variety of resistance machines. You can also choose to invest in strength training machines for your home gym, too.

Call Barry Services for dependable Fitness Equipment Repair Arlington Heights IL at 847-520-3911.